Tag: ncaafb

Boom_Boom’s 10 things we’ve learned NCAAFB

Ten Things we Learned

1. As most of you know I was at the ACC championship game last night. Man has it been a long time coming. I felt great for all the guys who held there heads up high and fought through the past few difficult weeks they have had. This team is really young and will be VERY good next season. Now about these V.T fans. I went to the game with my wife and oldest son. I’m not saying all V.T fans are complete classes garbage…. but I damn sure 90% are. What a bunch of low life loud mouth shit talking fans. These guys ran there mouths the entire day and were the most disrespectful fans I have ever been apart of. One guy thought it was OK to scream curse words behind us right behind my little boy. I told that fat low life bitch to sit down and watch his mouth or I would put my foot in his ass. Did they care? Of course not. To the 90% of Hokie Nation…. you are classless garbage.2. I know most dont want to hear it but I think that if you are in your right mind, you have to vote Bill Snyder the coach of the year. This guy, this wizard has done it again. Over the years you guys have read on here how much I respect the man. After this season, I dont know how you cant agree. Bill Snyder is a legend and college football is grateful to have had him.3. I haven’t got to see it yet but how about them Sooners. Wow! Did little brother bend you over his leg and spank your ass or what. There is a new sheriff in Oklahoma now and he’s a man…he’s forty. Sooner nation, you will not be playing in a BCS game. If you do it will be a slap in the face to all college football fans everywhere. I’m one of the few who likes Stoops, but this team needs to learn how to play better defense and learn how to win the games that really matter.

4. RG3. What else can you say? Before the year I told you that him and this team would light the scoreboard up like Christmas tree. Well? What ya think now. Any voter in there right mind should vote RG3 as the Heisman winner. Why? Because he is the best overall player WHO MAKES HIS TEAM BETTER  in the country. It’s not Richardson. Nope, he’s a great back…but it’s not him. It’s RG3. He is the best player in the country. The Heisman trophy is a popularity contest. It’s not about the best players anymore. It’s about who ESPN gives more air time too. It’s a disgrace.

5. LSU is a bully. I though hard about betting against them this week, but i had to remind myself about how this team holds the mojo. The mojo is the mojo man. After about 2 1/2 quarters I think LSU had 40 yds rushing and 10 yds passing…but had 28 points. See what im saying? He who holds the mojo holds the power. This team is destine to the NC. Sorry if you dont like it. But it’s the truth. Like Auburn last year, this team has ” it “.

6. Please God. No rematch. Thinking about how ESPN will anoint Alabama to play LSU in the NC game is a fucking disgrace. I think everyone should boycott the game. I’m serious. It’s crazy to think that Alabama, who has done nothing to deserve playing in the NC, will. This team has done nothing. Are they a very good team? Yes they are. I have said many times that I think Alabama is a tremendous team. But that has nothing to do with whether this team should play for the BCS national championship game or not.

7. I cant wait to watch the game, but it looks to me that either Wisconsin pulled the rabbit out of the hat again. Or MSU shit the bed again. Either way, Russel Wilson has made the difference this year. This guy is a good QB. If Wisconsin could have just stopped 2 hail marry’s, what might have been.

8. Why does the Big East get the Automatic bid? Really? W.V is pretty good team. But lets just be honest here. The Big East is and has been very below average for a long time. I think W.V will play Clemson in the Orange bowl it seems. If you want my first thoughts. I think Clemson wont punt. I think for the most part Clemson will score whenever they want.

9. Just so everyone knows, The bowl challenge is ON  . Ive just been a little busy. More details will be out in a day or two about the bowl challenge. Everyone just stay patient and calm. It’s going to happen, I promise.

10. Wow. The regular season is gone. It just seems like yesterday I was doing my college football season breakdown. A lot of good times, a lot of bad times. The season was great. Every season is great. I hate it’s about over. My Dad always told me soak it up, these are called the good times. Enjoy every day you have, it’s just a game. I encourage everyone to ” soak it up ” It is just a game, but a game we all love so dearly. Stay focused for the upcoming bowl season. Money is to be made, bowl season is a great way to cash in. I hope all of you enjoyed theTen Things we Learned this season as much as I have writing them.

See the thread here:




It’s amazing the newly found LSU love when most of the folks were on the wrong side last week.  
Keep betting that line up and I will take the best QB in the conference with a much, much better defense than Arky in a basic home game. 

LSU probably wins by a FG in this game.



SO MISS +12.5 sucker bet?????

I think so, we are rolling with houston -12.5

What do you think?


Fade alert!!!

OK here is another fade job for us!

“Too much info I know. But on thanksgiving we should all be celebrating after a&m sodomizes the longhorns. This game is something tamu has been waiting for all season long. A little business lesson for you noobs. The reason tamu is leaving the big12 is mainly due to UT’s tv contract with espn to setup the longhorn network. This network affiliation will give UT games favor over other big12 games and on a network as big as espn that equates to a shitload of money. This is mainly the reason nebraska went to the big10. This tv deal hurts everybody in the big12 but UT and oklahoma . .

On to the game, tamu is a high pace offense that will keep UT on its heals defensively. UT has a solid defense against kstate but not against real offenses. As for UT’s offense . . . . . HAHAHAHAHAHAHA . . . get the point?

Kyle field will be bumping and the crowd will be insane as this most likely concludes the end of a historic rivalry. Tamu will pound the longhorns and leave the big12 with their middle fingers up . . . only to become a bottom feeding SEC team for years to come . . .
Aggies -8




Saturday ncaafb picks poolman11

6-0 system plays





Weird Line Alert!

I went 2-0 last week on this…  Here we go:

usmcapper on covers says: “Kansas St +9.5 vs Texas??”

“what is there to say? kansas state is a cover machine?  I’ll take kansas state air bet for this week.  I’m not scared.”

– nfl_brosuf

take TEXAS -9.5



South Florida -4 at Syracuse

I see a lot of forum posters on covers now really jumping on syracuse.  This is one of those games that seems too good to be true.  A team on a losing streak on the road giving more than a touchdown.  Everyone is all over syracuse.

I am going with SOUTH FLORIDA (-4)


“some analysis from POLTYRGASM on covers:

This one is puzzling. On the one hand, South Florida has lost four in a row, including close ones at Rutgers, Connecticut, and Cincy. On the other hand, they’re still putting up 400 yards/game and have a pretty threatening weapon in BJ Daniels.

On the one hand, Syracuse looks schizophrenic. They paste West Virginia one week, then lose two straight to Connecticut & Louisville, both of which are pretty terrible teams.

So the question is: Which South Florida team will show up on Friday night? And which Syracuse team?

I love looking at the 3-4 most recent games to determine which “direction” teams are heading. Syracuse seems to be holding steady. They’re like the baby bear’s porridge: not too hot, not too cold.

South Florida, meanwhile, is tanking. Four losses in a row. And with the exception of the drumming that Pitt gave them back in early October, their losses have all been three-pointers. They’re like a guy who can’t close with a girl: they get right up to the edge but then somehow, some way, find a way to screw it up.

I think South Florida is the more talented team, but that’s only a part of the equation. Their confidence is low after starting the season so strong and then taking a nose dive. Syracuse becomes bowl eligible if they win on Friday, and that’s going to provide some extra motivation.

When Syracuse rolled into Louisville and laid a big fat egg, I swore that I wouldn’t bet on them again this season. But at home, with 4 points on their side, and with a limping South Florida team that doesn’t seem to know how to “get the job done” … I’m taking Syracuse +4 on Friday.

BOL to everyone.

I am going with SOUTH FLORIDA (-4)


BYU -7 (-20) ***PLAY OF THE DAY***
Many so-called experts are pounding the puppy in this one citing Utah State’s success on the ground and BYU’s struggles to stop it — BUT NOT ME!  Despite BYU’s struggles at stopping the run at times and even their struggles offensively one cannot ignore the circumstances in which thee struggles occurred!  Remember, BYU opned up against Ole Miss and Texas back-to-back and then had to play rival Utah, clearly a scheduling challenge that would be tough for any school to overcome!  Regardless, BYU bounced back nicely last week and held the run-oriented UCF team to just 81 yards en route to a win and cover!  This success at stopping the run leads us to a huge system supporting the Cougars in a blowout win tonight!  BYU is a PERFECT 7-0 ATS last 7 times they gave up less than 100 yards the previous game!  Additionally, BYU is playing on revenge and we love backing quality teams with quality coaches in this spot, especially at home!  Add on the fact Utah State has a freshman QB at the helm and we love it even more!  Folks, let’s play BYU tonight with tremendous confidence knowing that Utah State is a horrible 1-6 ATS in their last 7 as a road dog of 3.5 to 10 points!  PREDICTION:  BYU 38  UTAH STATE 13