Tag: NCAA Football

Thursday Night Picks – November 11, 2010:

Greetings all,

We are back at it again as we have (2) Picks tonight. We are getting into NFL (Thursday night) and College Football action.

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Wednesday Night Pick – November 10, 2010:

Hello again my friends,


So we are 2-0 so far with consecutive day winners and we are hoping to extend the streak, you love money I love money, I love making money of picks You all love even more that you are making FREE money off my picks, so it’s all good and jolly.

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Wednesday Night Pick Recap – November 10, 2010:

Greetings Friends,


So we are pretty much where we were the night before as (2-0-1) as the game ended in a PUSH. That’s right the Red Falcons were styling a 14 point lead until the 4th Quarter when then they just felt content running the ball deep into BG’s endzone and returning on downs, I guess they were not in the mood for a pile on. You can do these things so long without giving the other team a new wind. That was the case and the Falcons summoned a semi-comeback staying short by exactly 3 points.

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Tuesday Night Pick Recap (1-0) – November 9, 2010:

It’s yet another very pleasant Wednesday morning as we wake up winners from the day before. And what a better feeling that knowing you have an extra source discretional income coming your way from your bookie or sportsbook (depending on your location J ).

So this is our second consecutive winning day for this week (12th in a row counting last week). I am wondering if I am spoiling all of you giving out these winners for free, but for the time being we’ll keep it that way, although we are appreciative of the ones that sent gifts to me. (Tommy thanks for the iPad, my wife enjoys it plenty).

So the Huskies covered their -11 spread by halftime last night 28-0 and then kept their lead up to a 35 point differential which I understand also covered the 2H lines as well.


Pick: NIU Huskies -11 (Winner 65-30)


Congratulations to all winners!!!!



Parlay Dave


Tuesday Night Pick – November 9, 2010:

Good morning to all my constituents,


Coming off another winning day, can’t remember how many in a row now, ah, that’s right 9 days in a row, but who’s keeping score anyways, I just care about our bankroll increasing and having a daily dose of joy because of winning often.

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Friday Night Picks – November 5, 2010:

Greetings all,

We assume that everyone is in good spirits after last night’s winners, we certainly wish to keep the good times rolling as we are going with 2 college football picks and totally neglect the NBA card (full slate) as we are still assessing how teams behave on the road ATS.

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Thursday Night Picks Recap (2-0) – November 5, 2010:

Greetings all,

So, same as the song says, “another day, another dollar”.Third consecutive winning day (First on Cheehee.com) YAY!!! As we go 2-0 with our picks.


Pick: Ohio -16 (winner 34-17)

The Wildcats did not disappoint, even after relinquishing a 21-0 lead but at 4th and 1 from the 13 yard line Boo Williams connected for a 17 point cover and joy for all our constituents.

Pick: Thunder +5.5 (winner 107-106)

The Oklahoma City Thunder came into Portland with a one thing in mind not to lose for a 3rd straight time on the road. Our outright win was not what we needed (as this game was settled in OT but we’ll take it.

Congratulations to all bettors!!!!


Parlay Dave