Tag: mlb

Rain Man’s Free Pick Thursday

It’s been a hectic week and I haven’t been able to put up posts the past couple of days, but I’m back today with a couple picks! It’s Thursday which usually means there’s less games to pick from for MLB, but to me that’s not necessarily a bad thing. Too many options doesn’t always result in your favor. Anyways, enough about that, lets get started with some baseball! Here’s today’s picks.

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Rain Man’s Free Friday Picks

Happy Friday Everyone!


Yesterday was a very boring 1-1 finish as the Dodgers for the most part dominated against Milwaukee and eventually finishing 5-1. Luckily the Nationals pulled through for us and won the game 3-1.

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Louis_IV MLB Pick Thursday

Season-  259-177-7   +251.34 units

Thursday Plays

  San Diego Chickens -135  (5 units)


Rain Man’s Free Picks Thursday

It’s Thursday today which means were one day closer to the weekend and I can’t say the weekend can’t come soon enough. Football season is starting soon so I’m sure everyone is excited about that. Just a couple more weeks, but in the meantime lets continue to focus on baseball to help pass the time.

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Rain Man’s Free Picks Tuesday

Yesterday’s game was a lot closer than I liked, but we still ended up with a win so no complaints here. I’m hoping to use the win as a little momentum in today’s game. Again the lines for the favored teams are disgusting, so I’ve chosen match-ups where the lines are reasonable. Here’s what I’m looking at today.

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Rain Man’s Free Picks Saturday MLB

Good morning everyone! Looks like a beautiful Saturday and I’m ready to watch some baseball. Let’s see who we have today. The lines have been getting pretty ugly with huge risks needed to take the teams you like. As a result, I based the picks today on lines.

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Rain Man’s Free Picks Wednesday MLB

It was a close game yesterday between the Reds and the Rockies, but unfortunately, the Reds weren’t able to pull through and ended with a loss. Luckily it was our only loss since the Red Sox and Angels were pull away with remarkable wins.

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Rain Man’s Free Picks MLB Tuesday

There was some great baseball yesterday, but unfortunately none of them ended in our favor. We seem to be hitting a number of bad beats with it continuing last night with the San Diego Padres. Going into the bottom of the 9th, the Padres were up 2 runs after scoring 4 runs in the 8th, but in due fashion the New York Mets mustered up 3 runs to finished the game off with a win. As for the Giants and Pirates, Morton and the Pirates could really do no wrong as they shut out the Giants. Not that I was very please about the loss, but I must say the way Morton was controlling the strike zone was very impressive. Solid pitching is a beautiful thing.

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Rain Man’s Free Picks MLB Monday

Damn, I thought we were going to finish 3-1 on Saturday but the Rangers blew it and gave up 4 runs at the top of the 9th which resulted in a loss. By the end of the day it left us with a disappointing 2-2 day. Not the worst I’ve seen, but definitely far from the best. Not much you can do about bad beats, it’s part of the game.

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Rain Man’s Free Picks Saturday

Good win yesterday, but nothing fancy with just 1 pick. The Phillies really dominated the Giants and were able to come away with an easy victory 9-2.

Friday’s Summary 1-0

Philadelphia Phillies (win)

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