Tag: Cincinnati Reds


Quote of the Day

“Remember, fans, Tuesday is Die Hard Night. Free admission for anyone who was actually alive the last time the Indians won the pennant.” – Harry Doyle (Movie Major League) Read More


Rain Man’s Free Picks MLB Tuesday

There was some great baseball yesterday, but unfortunately none of them ended in our favor. We seem to be hitting a number of bad beats with it continuing last night with the San Diego Padres. Going into the bottom of the 9th, the Padres were up 2 runs after scoring 4 runs in the 8th, but in due fashion the New York Mets mustered up 3 runs to finished the game off with a win. As for the Giants and Pirates, Morton and the Pirates could really do no wrong as they shut out the Giants. Not that I was very please about the loss, but I must say the way Morton was controlling the strike zone was very impressive. Solid pitching is a beautiful thing.

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Rain Man’s Free Picks Tuesday MLB

What a garbage loss! Walden, closing pitcher for the Angels, basically choked and choked bad. With a 1 run lead, not only did he let 1 run in, he loaded the bases before he was relieved. In short, Angels lost.

That’s baseball for you. Now for today’s games.

Today’s Pick

Detroit Tigers (-155)

Los Angeles Angels (-140)

Cincinnati Reds (-165)

Rain Man


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Louis IV’s Wednesday 7/20 MLB Hardball Picks

Quote of the Day:

White Sox manager Eddie Einhorn referring to Sox GM Roland Hemond: “I told Roland Hemond to go out and get me a big name pitcher. He said, ‘Dave Wehrmeister’s got 11 letters. Is that a big enough name for you ?'”

Tuesday 2-0  (wins rocks and rays) Read More