Category: NCAAFB News & Highlights

College football & highlights


Robert Woods Might Not Play Against Oregon

USC’s top receiver Robert Woods might not play against Oregon this Saturday.

Woods’ ankle and shoulder injuries might keep him sidelined.

If Woods does not make it on the playing field Marqise Lee would be the No. 1 receiver for Matt Barkley.


Top 9 Things We Learned about College Football

Nine Things We Learned About College Football

1. There is no way we can start off this week without talking about the Penn S.T saga first. To all of us true college football fans, what happened this past week has hurt most of us. I have a ton of mixed emotions about this issue. But it all leads back to why. Why Didn’t Jo Pa do more to stop this animal from being around the program. To all of us that have children we all know that this is a parents worse nightmare. I hate what happened to all those kids and hope and pray things will get resolved for them and there family’s. Read More