
Top 9 Things We Learned about College Football

Nine Things We Learned About College Football

1. There is no way we can start off this week without talking about the Penn S.T saga first. To all of us true college football fans, what happened this past week has hurt most of us. I have a ton of mixed emotions about this issue. But it all leads back to why. Why Didn’t Jo Pa do more to stop this animal from being around the program. To all of us that have children we all know that this is a parents worse nightmare. I hate what happened to all those kids and hope and pray things will get resolved for them and there family’s.

2. Can Oklahoma St. be the real deal? I bet against these guys this week thinking Tech would play a good game. Man was I wrong. For weeks now I thought that Oklahoma S.T was irrelevant only because they were going to have to play Oklahoma at the end, and by doing that…Oklahoma would knock them out. I don’t think that’s the case anymore. Oklahoma has issues on defense and I don’t think they can stop S.T, especially in Stillwater. I’m not sure how this will end, but I think its fair to say that Oklahoma S.T is the real deal.

3. Just so were all clear on this, lets just bet the over in MAC games during the week now. Goodness gracious. The over is good by almost halftime. Well, I say that. it will be all under’s from here on out. LOL. One more thing about betting games during the week. Don’t follow me. I have been horrible it seems during the week. Why? I have no clue. G.T killed me this past week when that dumb ass kid commits that personal foul. I really think that Tech wins if he doesn’t commit that foul.

4. I think I have to point out that my Tigers yesterday looked like shit. Why, I have no clue. This team hasn’t looked flat like this all year and the past two games they have. Clemson isn’t the only team who looks flat right now. There are several teams who IMO are getting slack down the stretch here. Is this the Norm? Yes. Every year this happens to teams for whatever reasons and nobody can seem to know why it happens. I guess when your dealing with 18 -22 year old kids things will always be confusing.

5. Last week I said that Boise St. doesnt look like the same team anymore. Yesterday, they proved me right. This team has fallen off the face of the earth. I do think that these kids feel like no matter what they do, it wont be enough. I wonder if they have almost given up a little. If so, it showed yesterday. Ice4blood made a thread a few days ago talking how Boise could lose this game due to there poor kicking game. Nice call Ice. Is Boise Done? Yes, No BCS bowl now.

6. I want to talk about a team who IMO is quietly becoming a very good football team. The USC Trojans. Trust me I hate it too. I don’t hate USC, I just hate that cocksucker coach they have. But I do think these guys are pretty good right now on both sides of the ball and it has shown in the past few weeks. Only thing is, I think that the reduction of scholarships will really start to show next season. The depth wont be there. Depth is crucial in college football. Enjoy it USC fans, I think that the road ahead of you is going to be rough.

7. Stanford shit the bed again against Oregon. Oregon is just a bad match up for Stanford. There speed is too much for them and it showed again last night. By losing that game I wonder if Luck will continue to play with the intensity that he has been doing. Will he focus on his career in the NFL right now and try to make sure he doesn’t get hurt or anything? Will Stanford be fade material now? We will see.

8. In case none of you know. Arizona S.T pulled a ” ASU ” last night up in the wazzu. WTF? I think its clear that ASU needs to make that next step and fire Erickson. The guy just doesn’t have what it takes anymore to lead a football team. You dont lose to Washington S.T when you have so much on the line. The lack of leadership is killing this football program and it all starts with the head coach. I guess since UCLA lost ASU thought it would be fun to make this interesting.

9. The Big East is a mess. If you think you know who is going to win from week to week in this league then you know the secrets to life then. W.V beating Cincinnati wasn’t shocking, but it seems to me that any game is up for grabs in that league. You want my advise? Flip a damn coin. How many losses will the winner eventually have? 3 or 4? Who the hell knows.

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