The LeBronologues: Volume I

The LeBronologues are in no way, shape, or form, attacking LeBron James on the court.  The man is clearly an elite athlete who possesses talent that has never been seen before in the NBA.  That being said, James has a knack for making himself look like a knucklehead time after time, which will simply be magnified here, courtesy of yours truly, Primetime.

For those of you who have been following me since the beginning (I wouldn’t be here without you, the fans), you know how I feel about Baby Bron Bron post-decision.  For those who are new to the website, welcome asides, you can see here, and here, just how I feel about this clown, who took self-kool-aid sippage to a whole new level, one that only Brett Favre can be proud of. 

So what was James most recent gaffe?   

The Michael Jordan discussion, of course.

Last week former Chicago Bull Scottie Pippen claimed that James, “But I may go as far as to say LeBron James may be the greatest player to ever play the game.” 

Debatable, but nothing that hasn’t been discussed before.

James responded later in the week and his response probably won’t surprise you, it definitely didn’t shock me.

“I’m gracious, humbled by Scottie’s comments with him being a teammate of his and seeing Michael on a day-to-day basis. But as far as me? I don’t know. I’m not going to sit here and say I’m better than Jordan or if I’m not better than Jordan. It’s not about that.”

Bron Bron being Bron Bron.

The entire articles can be found here, but why wouldn’t James close the door on that type of talk? Despite the fact that he has yet to win a title, much less six (none of which will be won as “the guy”), James couldn’t pass up the opportunity to put himself on the same pedestal.  Gaudy stats aside, James and Jordan share nothing else on the basketball court.  Most athletes would put that talk to rest, especially when their resume in its current state doesn’t measure up.  But James, nope, James is in a league of his own, one where he resides by himself, the only man to have made love to himself so extensively on national television, for an hour

James seemingly looked to be playing the modest card when he began to speak, but unfortunately, James was his own undoing, and could you really expect James to not take on the opportunity to smush himself?

Stay tuned for the next James snafu, odds are it will be sooner rather than later.             

Primetime Thoughts

Follow David S. London on Twitter

One comment on “The LeBronologues: Volume I

  1. edrickw
    May 30, 2011 at 5:23 pm #

    Lebron’s PR guy needs to be fired

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