Forums is Now Live at

The forums section at has been released. Talk about the latest football, basketball, baseball, or even ping pong game. Share ideas on who you think will cover the spread or get advice from the experts of the community. Talk to each other during a game, in one of our many, game time threads.

This is no ordinary forum section, you’ll also be able to share videos, pictures, and links to other stories.

  • Have you started your own weekly handicapping show? Embed the video directly onto our forum and get more exposure to your show.
  • Have you made a sheet and want to get more exposure? Create a new topic and link your sheet so that more users will be able to see how well you can pick.
  • Have you created a contest and want more people to join? Start a new thread and link your contest to it and watch how many people will enter.

2 comments on “Forums is Now Live at

  1. snake89
    November 8, 2008 at 2:29 pm #


    times really a beautiful site. Good structure and beautiful design. It on. 🙂


  2. Handicappers
    July 22, 2009 at 4:03 pm #

    Just wanted to let you know that I am loving the forums. Nice job!

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