Opening Soon! Cheehee Marketplace – Sell & Buy Picks

We have been getting a lot of emails from the community asking us when they can start selling picks. The Cheehee Team is working day and night and would like to thank all of you for your patience. In 4 weeks the Cheehee picks marketplace will be open for business, and everyone will be able to buy and sell picks.

Handicappers with an existing clientele, who want to open up their shop online will benefit from secure transactions with an easy to use interface. New professionals will be able to build their customer base by showing off their sheet records. Remember, it’s free to post and free to sell all picks, at your own price.

In the mean time, keep growing your reputation as a top handicapper and start marketing yourself through our contests, and the social bookmarks that can be found by clicking on the share button. Submit your sheet to sports blog aggregates like BallHype and YardBarker, as well as general networks like Facebook and StumbleUpon.

Security and privacy is always a must as Cheehee follows a strict privacy policy that outlines data security, collection and sharing procedures:

  • Encrypts sensitive data and only stores it temporarily
  • Does not sell, rent or otherwise share your sensitive information with third parties
  • Has a zero tolerance policy for e-mail abuse

Thank you,

The Cheehee Team

One comment on “Opening Soon! Cheehee Marketplace – Sell & Buy Picks

  1. Brent Akamine
    September 25, 2008 at 8:39 pm #

    I can’t wait to release the new features! They are looking great so far! Thank you everyone for your patience.

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